Moving In Before Marriage

I know a lot of people can agree/disagree on this subject. I am someone who believes it is important to live with your significant other before getting married. My (now) husband and I lived together in 3 separate homes prior to getting married. I ‘moved’ into his Condo, we moved into an apartment in another state, and then bought our first house together all before getting married. Here’s why you should consider moving in before marriage. 

I truly believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And if you are someone who is reading this who disagrees with moving in with your significant other before you get married, I absolutely think you should do whatever you believe in. But here is why it worked for us:

We had the same plans for our future

After our history of dating, breaking up and getting back together, we knew the plans we wanted for out future. We both wanted to get married. We wanted to move-in together and have a future together. The plans we had for out lives individually were the same, so we decided to do it together. 

Our priorities aligned 

We had the same priorities. Two of them being our relationship but also having our own individual lives. We believed that trust, respect, loyalty,  kindness, boundaries and communication were always important. 

We had the conversations

Having the important conversations before we decided to move to another state and get our first official apartment together was the key. The conversations about marriage, kids, finances, and plans for the future. We realized we were on the same page when it came to the important things that would happen in life. 

Our end-game was the same

Again, we had the same priorities, and we had tough conversations. We had the same end goal with getting married, eventually having kids, and where we wanted to live. After we determined we were on the same page with so many things, we decided to take the plunge and move in together. 

Our relationship was deepened 

Although we spent a ton of time together prior to moving in, there is definitely something different about combining your life and belongings into one place. There was definitely a phase of having a ‘sleepover with your best friend’ that made it super fun. Overall our relationship deepended and we were able to advance our relationship in more ways than I thought. 

There are of course many other pro’s and cons to moving in with your significant other. Here are a few others to consider: 


You may alienate yourself
Don’t Have more support system
Lose your relationship quality 


You can test-run a relationship
You can test your compatibility
Determine responsibilities for the future
Save Money

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