Mental Health

All Things Mental Health

Mom Guilt Is Real. And It’s Okay.

Knowing how compassionate of a person I am, and how I try to put others before myself, it was no surprise that I experienced mom guilt shortly after becoming a mom. I wanted to be the absolute best mom ever. And when I felt like I wasn’t, that…

What I Should Have Told Myself During That Bad Relationship

I’ve had my fair share of relationships in the past. Some in high school, and a handful in college. Luckily, after college, I had only one,  and I ended up marrying him. My first big heartbreak came from a pretty bad relationship. Looking back, this is what I should…

How I Got Out Of My Worst Depression

I’ve had depression before, and it does run in my family. Luckily, after treating my depression with medication for about a year, I was able to get off the meds and find other things that were helpful for me. It wasn’t until 4-5 years later that I…

How To Get Back On Track If You Are Stuck In A Rut

I think we can all agree that we have moments where we feel completely stuck. For me, this especially happens during the winter months. It also happens if I find myself doing the same routine over and over again. Here are some ways to get back on track when you…

How Therapy Helped Me Become the Best Version of ME

This is How going to therapy helped me become the best version of ME. REASSURANCE I am always validated and listened to without feeling judged. I’ve mentioned it before, and I will mention it again. I know everything happens for a reason. The therapist I have is the one…

Why I’m Scared To Have Another Baby

There are so many reasons why I’m scared to have another baby. I assume that most people think that after you have your first child, all the worries and fears will go away if you decide to have another. Because why wouldn’t they? You’ve…