Why Love Languages Are Important

If you’re reading this post I’m sure you’ve heard of the 5 love languages. I first purchased the book by Gary Chapman about 5 years ago. Since then, the concept of the 5 love languages has continued to get increasingly more popular by the year. This book talks about 5 general ways that you (or your partner) can express/accept love. Here is why love languages are important.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

When I first purchased this book almost 5 years ago, I truly didn’t understand the purpose (or importance) of these ‘love languages’. And in all honestly I didn’t find the book to be super helpful at that time in my life. It wasn’t until a few years ago when I actually started reading more about why they are important.

The 5 love languages are a great way to feel connected to your significant other. It is important to quickly understand that you and your partner may not have the same love languages. If you have ever had a fight with your significant other, and they’ve told you that they don’t feel appreciated, maybe it’s time to take a step back and think about their love language.

And if you don’t know what their love language is, you’re in luck. (there are free tests all over the internet!)

What Are the 5 Love Languages?

  • Words Of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Gits
  • Acts of Service
  • Physical Touch

Why should you figure out your partners love language?

It is important to understand that everyone feels appreciated differently. My love languages are gifts and words of affirmation. While my husbands love languages are the complete opposite. When either one of use start to feel unappreciated, it typically means that our love languages aren’t being expressed or prioritized.

Again, why is this so important?

Knowing your (and your significant other’s) love language is important for a few reasons


It will help you communicate better. Sometimes I assume that my husband should know exactly what I’m thinking and what I want from him. But the truth is he doesn’t. He’s not a psychic, and he can’t always tell what’s going through my mind. But since he knows my love language, he is able to give me the love and support that I need without actually communicating it to me. He can automatically satisfy my needs without me having to tell him. And that’s the kind of ‘communication’ I like, LOL. 

You will feel more appreciated.

When your partner is giving you exactly what you need/want in order to feel appreciated, I promise you, your relationship will be so much better. Appreciation can go a long way. I feel extremely appreciated and heard when my husband gives me words of affirmation or a small gift. These little gestures make a HUGE difference. 

Brings more openness and potential vulnerability

Once you start receiving (or giving to your significant other) based on your love language, not only will you feel more loved and appreciated, but it may open a door to more vulnerability with your significant other. You may start to feel more open and vulnerable because you know your partner is listening to you. If your partner is taking the time out to listen to your love languages and providing them to you, I promise you will feel like you can and will tell them anything, because you know that truly do care.

Even if you don’t necessarily ‘believe’ in things like this, I encourage you to take the Love Language quiz to see what your love language is. Being able to show appreciation and love to your partner the way THEY want to be appreciated and loved is exactly why love languages are important.

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