What I would tell my 18-year old self before starting college

There are so many things I could tell my younger self before starting college. I graduated from college almost 9 years ago. Of course I never realized how long ago that was until I said that sentence out loud for the first time. I also started doing the math on my fingers because I did not major in anything math-related, lol. This is what I would tell my 18-year old self before starting college

I always get sentimental around this time of year. I am constantly reminded (thanks to lovely social media) exactly what I was feeling back in 2013. This was when I was completing my fieldwork for my OTA program. And before you begin a google search, you can click here to find out what exactly an OTA does.

Would I turn back the clock and repeat college over again? I would absolutely say yes. Despite all the lows, I never appreciated my college experience when I was in the moment. My OTA program was something I really had to prioritize. It was a terrifying thought to fail out of the program. I always had a heavy caseload. I also had to schedule clinical every semester.

Despite the difficult program, I feel like I did make the most out of my 3 years at college. When it was over, I wanted to re-live it all over again. I made the best of friends and joined a sorority. Involving myself in so many clubs and events on campus was something I never anticipated. I also stepped out of my comfort zone to be a resident advisor and orientation leader. This was something that I never would have pictured myself doing.

I have really enjoyed writing blog posts about personal experiences. And with the anniversary of my college graduation coming up, I was thinking back on my college career.

Here are all the things I would tell my 18 year old self before starting college.

  1. You are an intelligent woman. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Because you will be stupid and naive. And it will cause more heartbreak than you can ever imagine. Forgiving yourself is something you need to always remember.
  2. You have a big heart. Although you may think that it is a weakness, you will realize it is the strongest part of you.
  3. Learn to forgive yourself for the times you were weak when you should have been strong.
  4. Be fearless when it comes to your life and your future.
  5. Care less about what people say and think about you. Most of them won’t be around in the long run.
  6. Your heart will be broken, but it will not be broken beyond repair. Your healing will be painful, but you will survive even on the days you think you won’t.
  7. Don’t be afraid to say no, and never be afraid to say yes and take a chance.
  8. Your days will be filled with endless doubt, wondering if you are doing what you are meant to do. I promise, you will end up exactly where you need to be.
  9. Listen to what your friends tell you, they will tell you the tings you don’t want to tell yourself.
  10. Be open to new opportunities. You came with a plan, but it is okay for your plan to change.
  11. Go with your gut; join the sorority, hangout with new people. Don’t let the opinions of others steer you away from what you want to do.