Topics You And Your Partner Should Talk About Before Getting Married

Marriage is a whole new journey. You learn new things about your partner almost every day, despite thinking you may know everything about them. These are the topics you and your partner should talk about before getting married.


This is probably the most important topic to be discussed before getting married. Finances are a leading cause in divorce. When you get married, you are taking on all of your partner’s debt. And unfortunately for some, the amount can be extreme and can seem very overwhelming. It’s good to sit down with your partner before getting married  in order to talk about any financial struggles or debts you currently have. This may give you the opportunity to set a goal on how to work on on getting your finances in check.

Your past history

Despite how hard you may try to keep your past in the past, the skeletons in your closet won’t stay there. All of your past secrets will eventually come to the surface. So it’s better to air out all of your dirty laundry before you tie the knot. You wouldn’t want to find out about your partners secrets after 10 years of marriage. You need to make sure you are both open with each other in order to put everything in the past.

Future plans

It’s also very important to discuss your future plans. Discuss in detail what you want going forward including career, residential plans, beliefs, personal time, etc. 

Children and parenting

It’s very surprising to me when couples get married and realize that they aren’t on the same page when it comes to having children. Along with finances, this should be a prioritized topic prior to getting married. If you and your partner arent on the same page when it comes to children, thisis probably going to be a problem in the future.  

Household responsibilities  

This is also an important topic to discuss that you may not have thought about. Conflicts will arise if you and your partner have different expectations when it comes to chores and housework. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to responsibilities at home. Especially if your career requires long hours or traveling away from home. 

Marriage is a learning experience. You are starting a brand new life together. While learning something new about the other person almost every day. There will probably always be issues and conflicts that arise. But the more you prepare and discuss the important topics, the better it will be. As much as you want your partner to be in sync with your beliefs, practices and routines, sometimes that’s just not how it works. These are all important topics you should talk about before getting married.

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