What I Would Tell Myself As a New Mom

I feel like I haven’t written a motherhood-related blog post in such a long time, as my focus recently has been mostly on my mental health and my progress in therapy (motherhood posts can be found here). This is what I would tell myself as a new mom.

I’ve learned so many lessons since becoming a new mom. I truly think I could create an endless list of things I would tell myself as a new mom – however I was able to narrow it down to what I feel as though have been the most important, and what I think would have been very helpful to know as a new mom.

You will sleep again

It may take longer for him to catch on to his sleeping patterns, and you may feel like every other child in the world sleeps better than yours. You will continue to have good nights and terrible nights, but eventually you will get to a point where sleep is more consistent. 

It’s okay if you don’t enjoy every second of motherhood

Motherhood is hard, and you don’t have to like every moment – and that does NOT make you a bad mom. 

Don’t think too much about others when they say “enjoy every second” and “don’t blink because this age goes by too fast”

Again, it is OKAY to not enjoy every second and it is okay if you want to blink and fast forward through certain stages. Not everyone will enjoy the same phases of having a baby. It’s okay if you want your child to be older just to get out of the difficult phase. It is hard, and it is okay that you are feeling this way. 

Your postpartum journey will be completely different than those around you

Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. You are going to take time to ‘bounce back’ – because you are prioritizing other things in your life. And these priorities are improving your mental health. Your mental health is more important than your physical body.

Don’t become obsessed with chasing a life that is not realistic for you

Don’t compare yourself and your routine and your life to those who aren’t in the same situations as you. Those mom’s you see on social media have completely different situations than yours.

When your baby is sick, you will be the most worried you’ve ever been in your life – but it will be okay

Communicate those feelings instead of holding them in. It is okay to express your concerns, even if you think it will make you sound crazy. 

Let go of your Type A personality traits

Sometimes your type A personality will be extremely helpful and beneficial. However some days your baby might as well look your straight in the face and  tell you to **ck off, because your schedules and lists just aren’t happening today.

Daycare is the best decision you could have made for your son

He is growing and learning at a rate you never could have done at home – at least at the expense of your mental health. I know the struggle with the decision of daycare is absolutely terrifying, but you made the right decision.

It’s okay that some days you need time away from your son

It’s also okay to decline plans with your friends and family because you want to spend time with him. Do what makes you happy in the moment. Even when people are telling you that you need more time for yourself. You know what you need at the moment, and don’t make those decisions based on anything else but that. 

Don’t lose yourself as a new mom

You are still everything you were before you became a mom. You’ve just added more responsibilities. Don’t let these responsibilities force you to step away from who you were before motherhood. 

Every baby is different, and every toddler is different

Don’t ever compare your child to any other child. Your child is doing exactly what they need to be doing. They are learning and developing every day. Milestones are reached at different times, and that doesn’t mean anything is wrong. 

If you are looking for more motherhood advice, check out TheEverymom.com