The Best Relationship Advice I’ve Found On Tik Tok.

Now, I’m not one to take relationship advice from an online platform too seriously. And I’ve seen my fair share of ‘relationship coaches’ posting videos on social media about “how to strengthen your relationship”. But recently I came across a video that I can truly say is the best relationship advice I’ve found on Tik Tok.

Of course, by no means do I think anyone struggling with their relationship should look to social media for advice. You should definitely leave that up to the professionals. However, this particular piece of advice that I found checked all the boxes that I was experiencing in my current relationship. 

The biggest relationship struggle


The biggest relationship struggle in our marriage is communication. Hands down, this is the biggest problem that my husband and I have found in our marriage. Now, it wasn’t always like this. And I’m definitely not saying we are a couple that fights all the time. But when life gets busy and you have a family, it’s pretty much inevitable that communication is hard to prioritize. We notice that when we are fighting, it’s because we aren’t communicating with each other the way we should be.

The best relationship advice I found on Tik Tok came right at the perfect time. My husband and I weren’t currently in the middle of a fight, but we did have a rough patch a few months prior. When I saw this video, I knew it would be extremely beneficial to our relationship. I knew it would be a huge help with our communication issues.

The Weekly Check-In

I came across this woman on Tik Tok who mentioned having a Weekly Check-In with her husband. In the Video, this was described as something that was penciled into their schedule at the end of every week. They would sit and take a few minutes to look over these questions, giving one another the chance to answer them. These questions give the opportunity for each person to talk about the highs and lows of the week prior.

The Questions

(taken from user samantharavndahl on TikTok)

Was there anything left unsaid or that you’d like to circle back to? Positive or negative.
What was something I did that made you feel loved or appreciated?
What stressed you out this week?
How can I help or support you better?
What’s going well for you right now?
What was your favorite moment together this week? 

Why This is The Best Relationship Advice

I really enjoyed this video when I first saw it. This is the best relationship advice for me and my husband because of our communication struggles.

We definitely aren’t the couple that will talk about our fights the same day they occurred. Sometimes it’s easier (and better) for our personalities to take some time to sit and think about our feelings. These questions give us the opportunity to bring up hard feelings or concerns that may have not been said in the moment of a big fight.

I also enjoy that the last question does end on a happier note. You are able to still talk about a moment that you shared together earlier in the week that brought you happiness. Despite any fights or hard times you may have had.

Overall, I think implementing these questions at the end (or beginning) of every week is the best piece of advice I’ve seen. And who would have thought I would have seen it on social media? I guess social media isn’t all bad after all.

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