Productivity Tips When You Work From Home

When the Covid-19 pandemic closed workplaces across the nation in 2020, companies started implementing more work from home opportunities than ever before. And 3 years later, work from home/hybrid jobs are still on the rise. Although working from home sounds like a dream to most people who are used to working in an office during the week, you may quickly find out that working from home comes with its own set of challenges. Here are 8 productivity tips when you work from home.

Always Have A To-Do List

Don’t go into your work day with an empty calendar. Make sure you have a to-do list of all the assignments that need to get done by the end of your work day. This will help you stay focused on your tasks and prevent any transition to tasks that don’t need to be completed that day.

Break your overwhelming tasks into smaller chunks

It can be easily overwhelming when you look at your to-do list and see all the large tasks you might have to complete for the week. If you have a few larger tasks and find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take those tasks and break them into smaller chunks. You will feel less overwhelmed and will also feel great after you start checking them off.

Find a permanent home for things laying around

If you work from home you may find that your desk ends up cluttered with random things you use throughout the day. This might be extra pens, highlighters, papers, a fidget toy, headphones, etc. Make sure you take the time to create a designated space for all of your random items. Your desk isn’t meant to be a ‘catch all’ spot. Your desk is meant to stay organized and clean in order for you to focus on your job. When you have a designated spot for random items lying around, you are less likely to be easily distracted.

Get a planner

I am a HUGE planner fanatic. I would forget almost everything if I didn’t write it down. Writing things down can be a huge help if you are easily overwhelmed.

Set a timer

If you are someone who finds yourself easily distracted during your work day, try setting a timer. Having a timer will help you stay focused on a specific task. Set a timer for 1 hour in order for you to stay focused.

Turn off notifications

We all have those anticipated social media notifications popping up on our phone throughout the day. These “quick” social media checks always turn into endless scrolling for another 20 minutes. Turn off your notifications or place your phone out of sight. This a great way to stay focused on your work day. 

Limit distractions

If you are easily distracted, it is important to take a look at your environment. If you have a home office, make sure you use it as such. There shouldn’t be a television, or any games lying around. Your office is meant to be a workspace. Limiting distractions around you will help your productivity during your work day.

Designated workspace

Having a designated work space will be the most important way to be productive if you work from home. Working from your couch, or the comfort of your bed may cause you to get too comfortable. You may potentially fall asleep, or you might decide to put on a movie for some background noise. It’s important to give yourself a designated workspace that will motivate you to get things done.

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