Productive Ways You Can Practice Self Care

Life gets busy. The older we get the less time we have to prioritize ourselves. Maybe you have kids, a big family, a busy career, or you simply don’t have the extra time in your day. Here are some productive ways you can prioritize self -care.

What Is Self Care?

Productive Ways You Can Prioritize Self Care

Life gets busy. The older you get, the more responsibilities you have that will take front and center of your life. You may have kids, a large family, a demanding job, or maybe you just have a hard time prioritizing self-care and mental health. Here are some productive ways you can prioritize self care.

1. Take a walk/spend time outside

Vitamin D has so many roles in the body and is essential for optimal health. Getting outside is an easy way to get in some vitamin D which can play a huge role in the health of your body. Even a 15-minute walk in the morning or during your lunch break is an easy way to take some time for yourself while prioritizing your health.

2. Create new goals

I am a huge fan of setting goals and being organized. Being able to check off personalized goals you set for yourself can really make you feel accomplished and can really help improve your overall mental health.

3. Drink a large glass of water

Just like with Vitamin D, getting enough water on a daily basis is extremely essential for your body and overall health. If you struggle with drinking water, try setting some alarms throughout the day with reminders to sip on some water.

4. stretch/workout

If you can’t make it outside for a short walk, try to get in a good stretch before bed. If you have extra time, try to sneak in a quick workout in order to move your body.

5. Get a good nights sleep

Sleep is ESSENTIAL. It allows your body to reset and recharge while also helping your immune system.

6. Read a book 

Whether it’s a self-help book or a fiction story, taking time out to stop and read a book is a great hobby that can get you away from all the technology that’s around us on a daily basis.

7. Positive affirmations & journal

I’m a huge advocate of journaling and using writing to express your feelings and emotions. Writing down positive affirmations It can reduce your stress, reduce your anxiety and improve your mood.

8. Face mask and skin care

Nothing feels better to me than a good self-care night with a full skin care routine. Grab your favorite products and give yourself a face mask and take a nice bubble bath to help you relax after a long day.

These are 8 simple ways you can implement a little bit of self-care into your daily routine.

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