5 Ways To Get Yourself Organized for the Remainder Of 2023

We are already halfway through 2023, and I can’t believe I’m even saying that. Although we can’t control everything and slow down time, we can control our own little world. The best way to do that? Getting organized. Just because the year is halfway over doesn’t mean your’e doomed. Here are 5 ways you can get yourself organized for the remainder of 2023. 

I shared in a previous blog post different affordable ways to organize your closet. But if you’re looking to get organized, it doesn’t have to start with your closet. You can organize your iphone, your financial papers, or your recipes in the kitchen. There is no organizational task that can’t be tackled and perfected before the end of the year. Here are 5 ways to keep yourself organized through the remainder of 2023

Find a planner that works for you

I used to be a ride or die Erin Condren fan. And although I still am, this year I decided to switch to a different more personalized planner. Plum Paper is what I decided to use for 2023, and my favorite part about this brand is that you can personalize your planner based on what’s important to you. You can find an entire blog post written about Plum Paper Here. 

When days get busy, if it’s not written down, it probably won’t get done. Things can easily slip through the cracks when life gets chaotic.  I’ve learned that having a planner is my number one tool if I’m wanting to stay consistently organized.  Using a planner can also help you create a morning routine that works best for you. Find a system that works for you, and I 100% encourage trying a planner if you’ve never used one before.  

Go through your closet

Now, like I mentioned previously, you don’t need to re-do your entire closet in order to feel organized. But it is important to go through your clothes and ditch the items that you no longer wear. My rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s time to throw it out. I have been in what seems like a never-ending purge of mine and my son’s clothing, and boy does it feel better to clear some space. You will probably be surprised at how many items of clothing you haven’t worn in a long time. 

Use a basket for constant clutter

If you have a little one who’s constantly cluttering up the same space in your home, have a dedicated basket to throw things in. You can leave it at the bottom of your stairs, in your laundry room, or even in a front closet. Items can be easily thrown in there throughout the day, and taken upstairs to be put away later. Having a dedicated basket for clutter will help make sure you’re finding their designated space before going to sleep.

Create a filing system

Nothing makes me happier than a home filing system. I believe there should be a place for every piece of important paper in your home. I recommend 7 main categories for your important documents. Auto, Career, Financial, Lifestyle, Medical, Taxes, and Vital documents. Once you create these folders in a file box/cabinet, take the time to purge your documents and appropriately sort them into the corresponding folders. If ever an emergency, you will feel so much more relief knowing where all of your important documents are located. 

Create a cleaning routine

One thing I love about my Plum Paper planner is that I was able to create a cleaning schedule that I can visually look at every day. I’m able to write down which room I plan to tackle each day, or what specific task needs to be completed every few weeks (mopping the floors, cleaning bathtubs, etc). I typically won’t remember the last time I deep cleaned our bathrooms, so having it written down and scheduled in my planner will help make sure I don’t forget the important (less frequent) tasks. 

What is your least favorite cleaning/organizing task around your house?