Healthy Habits and Routines

I love to workout. And it’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Beachbody workouts. I will shout to the rooftops how great I think they are. They are so convenient as they can all be done from the comfort of my own house (or anywhere) and I do not have to fight the battle of not wanting to get out of bed and drive to the gym. But here are My Healthy Habits and Routines.

Finding Beachbody Workouts

There was a time back in 2016-2017 where I was really struggling to get back into fitness. I always enjoyed running as I played soccer for the majority of my life. However, as I got older and was no longer playing the sport I grew up with, I found myself really struggling to find the joy of working out again.

Long story short, I found Beachbody workouts, and instantly fell in love with them. I dabbled into Beachbody coaching for a while, until I realized that part of the company just wasn’t for me… but that did not change my feelings about the actual workout programs they had. They have endless options, with new programs launching every few months. 

There are so many options for the type of workout you are looking for. These include strength training, cardio, yoga, barre, cycling, and so many more. They truly have something for everyone. I used to be the person that thought you had to spend at least an hour at the gym in order to have a good workout, but that just isn’t the case. Even without Beachbody workouts, it is possible to get in a good workout from home.

I want to share what else has been working for me. Here are some of My Healthy Habits and Routines.

Switching it up

I was definitely more consistent with Beachbody programs a few years ago – I would stick with a program from start to finish before starting another program. Now, after completing various programs from start to finish, I know what workouts I like, and which ones I don’t. I haven’t been following a program from start to finish, but I will say I’m sticking to the same program 75% of the time – with the addition of switching it up with different workouts/programs throughout the week, especially with their new BODi option (which I will talk about next). 

Live Workouts

Implementing BODi workouts throughout the week have really helped me stay consistent. BODi is a new Live stream option that Beachbody provides where you can sign up for live classes throughout the day based on what you want to do. If you want to try a cardio or cycling class, you have the option. If you want to add in a stretching/yoga workout, you can sign up for that straight through the Beachbody on demand app/website.  They have endless options with tons of trainers and I LOVE being able to try a brand new workout every day. Or, I can favorite the ones that I’ve already completed and can go back and do them again.

I love to add in new strength training and cardio workouts during the week whenever I feel stuck with the current workout program I’m doing. If I’m not really feeling my scheduled leg day workout, I can search through the BODi class library and sign up for a class that sounds more exciting. Having the BODi option has really been a savior for my workout routine. There’s also something extremely motivating about watching other people complete the same workouts as you at the exact same time. 


I will admit, for the last few months I was feeling so stuck in the phase of hating working out and really dreading going downstairs and getting my workout in. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago where I started forcing myself to make time for myself and getting a workout in, even if it was only 20 minutes. Once I got into a routine of being consistent, it wasn’t as much of a hassle. Making my workouts a non-negotiable was and will continue to be key in keeping myself consistent. 

Prioritizing water, sleep and better eating habits.

The most basic yet important thing in seeing success in your fitness. I’ve been making it a point to eat more greens, protein and consume more water. I’m making sure to get enough sleep when I can (life happens). (I’ve been trying Argonne products and you can find that blog post here)

Listening to my body

When I first started Beachbody workouts, I really struggled with taking rest days. I would beat myself up if I missed a scheduled workout. If I wasn’t feeling the workout that was scheduled, I forced myself to get over it and complete it. Which usually meant that poor effort was given and the workout wasn’t as good as it could have been. Then I would beat myself up about it even more.

Now, at this phase in my life, it’s all about what I want to do. I don’t care to follow a program from start to finish – I will workout whatever I’m feeling that day. Right now, I’m ‘following’ one of my favorite strength training programs. I’m adding in/switching out workouts that I’m not feeling in order to help me stay consistent with working out. Some days I’m really craving strength training, while other days I want to work on my cardio. This is where BODi workouts come in handy. I love having ENDLESS options at the press of a button.  You can access BODi workouts here

Understanding it’s not one size fits all

A workout schedule that works for my husband or best friend might not be the schedule that works for me. Forcing myself to do the same workouts that I see people doing on the internet isn’t going to work for me. I understand that my needs and wants are completely different from other people. And comparing my workout schedule/journey to anyone else’s isn’t going to help me be successful.

Being Flexible with my schedule

I’m a type A through and through, and I love to have a schedule/plan for my day. Unfortunately I realized that scheduling workouts at the same time every day wasn’t going to work for me. Yes, I make it a non-negotiable. However I do it when I have the time, because it’s not the same every day. I used to feel like I had to get my workout in at the same time every day. If not, I couldn’t do it at all. This would always add so much extra stress to me when it came to scheduling out my day.

This also applies to my eating. Some people are successful when they plan out their food every day. But what I’ve found for myself is that that just doesn’t work for me. I am focused on doing exactly what I want to do, and what is going to make me happy. Even if that means going off schedule and ‘winging it’ for the day.

What Works For YOU

It is important to find out what works for you. Don’t follow anyone else’s specific habits and routines. Everyone is different, and we all have different schedules and lifestyles. I recommend figuring out a schedule to encourages you, and does not frustrate you. Using social media can be a great place to find encouragement, but it can also provide severe imposter syndrome. Understand that what works for some people won’t always work for you. Once you understand your body and find what works for you, you will be unstoppable.