Tips On How To Create Your Perfect Morning Routine

Creating a morning routine can provide us all with a sense of self control before the chaotic energy of the workday begins. Your morning routine doesn’t have to begin at 4 a.m. like the influencers you see on social media. According to the professionals, having a morning routine does make a huge difference with productivity. But it’s important to create your perfect morning routine around your time and what works for you.  Here are some tips on how to create your perfect morning routine.

When creating a morning routine that works best for you, it is important to take the time to figure out what you enjoy, and figuring out how it all fits together. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, it may take some moving around and adjusting. Your morning routine should be simple, but not necessarily quick. The purpose of a morning routine is to take the extra time you need to relax your mind before entering the chaos of every day. 

Tip #1

Drink Water

Despite what hasn’t worked for your morning routines in the past, drinking water should always be number one on any routine that you try. This step in your routine should only last a few minutes, but it is one you never want to skip. Immediately after waking up, sit up in your bed and chug some water. The benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach include positive effects for flushing toxins from the body, increasing energy and immunity.

Tip # 2

Make your bed

Making your bed really does make a difference in your productivity levels during the day. You will feel a million times more productive by making your bed. It offers a sense of accomplishment and starts your day off on a positive note. There really is nothing better than jumping in your made bed at the end of a long day.

Tip #3 

Check Your Daily Schedule/To-Do List

If you have a planner that works for you, keeping it updated and readily available every morning will be a game changer for your morning routine. Quickly after waking up, look through your planner to identify what tasks are on your schedule for the day. If you work from home, this is incredibly important to help with your productivity. Maybe something came up the night before that you forgot to add to your schedule. Checking your to-do list will help you plan for the day and you can identify any ‘must-do’ items that need to be prioritized first.

Tip #4 

Tidy up your living area

Take 20 minutes to clean up any area that you will be spending most of your time in during the day. If you work from home, try cleaning up your work space, the kitchen, and maybe your living room. If you work outside of the home, I recommend picking up your kitchen and living area. There’s nothing more stressful than trying to work/get things done around your home when everything is already cluttered. Taking 20 minutes in the beginning of your day to quickly tidy up the space around you will help you relax much easier when your work day is over.

Tip #5 

Romanticize Your Coffee and Breakfast

Once I figured out how to make my daily coffee with my Nespresso machine, I started looking forward to getting out of bed every morning. It took a lot of trial and error, but after getting it down, I can’t tell you how many times I jumped out of bed and ran down to the kitchen to make my morning coffee. Along with your daily coffee, try taking some extra time to make a healthy breakfast. If you aren’t typically a breakfast person, try looking up new recipes that are quick and easy to make first thing in the morning.

Tip #6

Watch the news/read a book

Try skipping social media first thing in the morning. Instead, try to read a chapter in a new book or watch something on television. Personally, I think watching the news first thing in the morning can be a little depressing, so instead, maybe watch an episode of your favorite reality show (Vanderpump Rules anyone?). While eating your breakfast or sipping on your coffee, try to avoid endless scrolling through social media and do something to help relax your mind before your work day starts.

Tip #7


Are you a morning workout person? If not, now might be a good time to try again. There are so many benefits to getting your workout first thing in the morning. It can help boost your energy throughout the day, Improve your focus and cognition, as well as just putting you in a better mood first thing in the morning. But a morning workout routine isn’t for everyone. So if it doesn’t feel right or adds more stress to your morning, stick to what works for you. But if you want to try to become someone who enjoys morning workouts, try it out for 7-14 days. Once you get over the initial hump of waking up early, you might find out how impactful it can be for your routine. 

Tip #8

Get Ready For The Day

Even if you work from home, getting yourself put together can be huge for your productivity and your morning routine. Turn on a good playlist when you take a shower and get ready. Still try to avoid scrolling through social media this early in the morning.

TIp #9

Take A moment to stretch

You may be shocked to learn how a simple stretch can promote efficiency, and how much your body needs it to get ready for the day. If you aren’t getting in a morning workout, take 5 – 10 minutes to stretch your arms, legs, and especially your back. This will warm up your muscles and prepare them for a long day of work.

Tip #10

Step Outside and get some fresh air

The light/dark cycle of the sun has a powerful effect on your circadian clock. It helps with your sleep cycle, and level of alertness during the day. Your body’s circadian clock responds to light, as a signal to be awake, so as part of your morning routine, take a few minutes to sit outside in the sun to get your day started. If possible, try increasing your amount of light during the day to be more alert.

With these 10 tips you are sure to find a morning routine that works best for you. And if at first you don’t succeed, don’t get frustrated. It could take you a few months until your figure out the best pattern for you.