How To Get back In The Gym After Taking A Long Hiatus

We all find ourselves falling off the bandwagon once in a while. If you’re someone who has always stayed consistent with your schedule, kudos to you. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that for the majority of us, we find ourselves falling off the bandwagon pretty frequently. If you’ve recently been slacking on your fitness routine, here’s how to get back in the gym after a long hiatus. 

Start slow

When you are trying to jump back into a fitness routine, don’t overwhelm yourself. Don’t try to workout 5 days a week, maybe start with 2-3. This will help you ease back into a routine and determine what will work for you and your schedule. Don’t try to do too much at once. 

Find a buddy

Working out with a friend or significant other is something I can’t recommend enough. I find it much more fun if I have someone to workout with. They can encourage you and also give you a few laughs along the way. Which in turn, will probably make your workout even more enjoyable. Finding a buddy is a great way to help get you back in the gym after a long hiatus.

Try something new

If you fell off the bandwagon because you were getting bored of your routine, don’t jump back into the same activity! Try something new. There are endless different fitness classes you can sign up for. As well as different videos you can search for on the internet including pilates, yoga, HIIT, barre, etc. It might be a good idea to try something new if you weren’t enjoying your last routine. 

Or stick with what you know you enjoy

You might not be someone who enjoys trying something new, and if you enjoyed your last fitness routine, go back to what you know! If you loved running but couldn’t maintain it because of your schedule, try to get back into running. Doing something you enjoy is going to give you more motivation to keep up the new routine. And after a long hiatus, making sure you are enjoying what you’re doing is key! 

Reward yourself

Reward yourself for all of your hard work! Now, don’t get crazy and eat a whole chocolate cake because you lost a few pounds. Be smart with your rewards. I like to reward myself with some new gym equipment or even a new workout outfit. Of course I will reward myself with food with good choices/portions, but I find much more enjoyment with a new workout outfit. When you look good, you feel good. 

If you fell off the wagon for a while and you are trying to get back into fitness, you are not alone. Many factors play a role in our consistency and motivation to stay on track with our health and fitness. It’s okay if you are starting from square one, because we all start somewhere. I hope these tips can help you get back in the gym after taking a long hiatus.

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