How To Be The Healthiest Version Of You This Summer

I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel more motivated than ever during the summer months. The sunshine and having more opportunity to be outside is something that is super beneficial to me. My mental health really struggles during Fall and Winter. Here is what you should do to be the healthiest version of you this summer. 

Staying hydrated 

I think we all know how important water is for you. You should aim to drink half of your body weight in water a day. So for me, I should be aiming for about 78 oz of water. Water plays a huge role in your health and happiness. It  prevents dehydration, cushions your joints, while maintaining your body temperature. It also gets rid of waste in your body, helps energize muscles, keeps your skin healthy, helps your kidneys, and can promote weight loss. Along with many other things. Increasing your water intake is one thing you can do to become the healthiest version of you this summer.

Don’t rely on processed foods

In the summer, it should be much easier for me to consume fruits and vegetables. For me, nothing sounds better than a large bowl of fruit in the middle of summer. We all know that processed foods aren’t the best option for your diet to rely on. But I know that eating a diet with mainly whole foods isn’t always an option or something we can all easily do. Being conscious about eating more fruits and vegetables in your diet will help your mood, digestion, sleep quality and overall performance. 

Get in Movement daily

Don’t stay in one spot all day. Even if you work a desk job, it is more than possible to get in some daily movement every single day. Your movement doesn’t need to be an hour long. Try taking a small walk before or after work, or during your lunch break. Your daily movement doesn’t need to be taking the hardest fitness class. Small changes will add up to big results. With the sunshine and warm weather being more prevalent, make it a point to get in some daily movement outside.  

Get outside and get your vitamin D

According to The National Library of Medicine, most cases of vitamin D deficiency are due to lack of outdoor sun exposure.

Getting sufficient Vitamin D can be super beneficial to a lot of aspects in your life. Vitamin D can help boost your mood, support sleep, increase your energy, and improve your mental health. Being out in the sun plays such a huge role in my mental health and my mood. This is something you should try to do as much as possible in the summer. The days are longer, so why not try to enjoy them as much as possible.

Start a routine 

If you don’t have a current morning routine, what better time than now to create one. This doesn’t have to be a crazy 4AM morning routine. But creating a routine can be beneficial to your health, sleep, and can provide less stress. I’m personally a huge fan of routines. They make me feel super organized and like I have my life together, even if I do not. A summer routine can be as simple as having a large glass of water after you wake up, then going for a 30-minute outdoor walk. You can follow that up by eating a large bowl of fruit or making smoothie vs. having processed foods. Start a routine that involves various items from this list will help create the healthiest version of you this summer. 

Eat more protein

Protein is KEY. It is the building block of your bones, muscle and cartilage. When you aren’t getting enough protein, I bet you feel sluggish, tired, and overall ‘not right’ in your body. Protein provides essential amino acids and also supports a healthy and sustainable diet. I know better than anyone that getting enough protein doesn’t always come automatic. I’m not a huge meat eater and I have to find my protein from other sources. Yogurt, smoothies, eggs, cheese, or fish. Making sure you’re getting enough protein can play a huge role in being the healthiest version of you this summer.

Sleep more 

Sleep is essential to every process in your body. It affects your physical and mental functioning, your ability to fight disease, helps develop immunity, supports your metabolism, and so much more. It is recommended that you get on average 8 hours of sleep a night. But I know it can be difficult to get more sleep in the summer. With the improved weather, I know all I want is to be outside. But prioritizing sleep is a huge aspect of becoming the healthiest version of you.

Start Loving yourself 

The most important thing you can do to become the healthiest version of you this summer is to start loving yourself. You may not love every aspect of your body, but start practicing. Don’t compare yourself to others with what you do and don’t have. Try to fill your body with healthy foods and increase your protein in order to get more energy, while giving your body the nutrients it needs. Love the routine you have and the person you are.

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