My Story


Resentment on Mother’s Day

My least favorite day of the year has finally come and gone. Planning and going on a vacation kept me pretty distracted from this day, but it still hit me like a ton of bricks. For anyone who has lost a parent, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can…

What I would tell my 18-year old self before starting college

There are so many things I could tell my younger self before starting college. I graduated from college almost 9 years ago. Of course I never realized how long ago that was until I said that sentence out loud for the first time. I also started doing the math on…

Why I started a Blog

A few years ago I came across an old google document I wrote in my early twenties. It was titled “Dear 15-Year Old Me”. After reading it through, I began to remember sitting at my computer writing this document and why it was important to me at that time…

Healthy Habits and Routines

I love to workout. And it’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Beachbody workouts. I will shout to the rooftops how great I think they are. They are so convenient as they can all be done from the comfort of my own house (or anywhere…

What To Avoid When Attacking Your Fitness New Years Resolutions

It’s no secret that the start of the new year comes with a handful of resolutions for most people. Some of which last as little as a week (guilty).  While others might be successful for a few months. If you have a fitness new years resolution, this is for…

What my therapist taught me that I’m taking into 2022

Going to therapy has truly been such a life-changing experience for me. And I know to some people, that may sound overly dramatic. But every session I find myself walking out of therapy with the feeling of a large weight being lifted off of my shoulders. Here are some…