If You Are A Newlywed, This Is My Advice To You

To any newlyweds reading this, congratulations! I hope everything about your special day went as planned. This is such an exciting time in your life, because you are starting your new life with your best friend. Although this is an exciting time, it can also be a scary new chapter. Here is some advice to newlyweds.

Keep The romance

Life gets in the way fast. Always try to keep the romance in your relationship. Especially if you have kids, try to prioritize that more than ever! Romance will help keep your relationship health and happy. Find out what your partner finds romantic, and use that to your advantage.

Lean on your partner

Things will get tough as you start your lives together. You will fall on both good and bad times. When things get bad, use your partner for support. Lean on them because that’s what they are there for. Also let them know you are there for them as well.

Let things go

Don’t take things too seriously. I know it’s going to be easy to hold a grudge when there is a fight. It’s going to take some practice, but learn how to let things go. You never want to hold a grudge or stay angry at your partner for the little things. You will enjoy your marriage a whole lot more if you learn to let things go. 

Keep some independence

Try not to lose yourself. Sure, you are starting a life with your partner and “what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours”. But find a balance of merging your life together while keeping your independence. It’s important for the both of you to have days/nights alone – whether that’s a golf outing, or a girls night out, be sure to balance your independence with your relationship. Don’t ever lose yourself in another person.

Don’t rush your life

Yes, you are married and starting your life together. This is what you’ve always dreamed of! But don’t rush it away. If you’re someone who wants kids, try to enjoy some time with just the two of you. Yes kids are great, but there will come a time where you will miss alone time with your significant other. Don’t rush it away too quickly! 

Learn their love language and use it

Love languages are important. I have a whole blog post about why they should be prioritized in your relationship. It is important to know your significant other’s love language in order to help them feel appreciated and loved. You can take the quiz here to find out what your love language is.

Give it your all

Everyone goes into their marriage wanting it to be the only one (hopefully). If this marriage is the one you want to last forever, then give it your all. Don’t hold back. Express your feelings when you need to. Give the other person as much love as you would if you were never going to see them again. This is your life and your marriage, and you’re going to have to put in the work to make it last. 

This is my advice to newlyweds. I’ve been married for almost 5 years now, and it’s still crazy to think it’s been that long. There will be highs and lows, just like with any relationship. Our relationship isn’t perfect, and we’ve had our tough times. But after 5 years, I think these are the things that I think will make your newlywed life a lot more enjoyable.