Advice To New College Students

Starting can be such an overwhelming time. I know for mer personally, I was absolutely terrified. I cried immediately after my parents dropped me off and drove away from campus. It’s normal to feel scared and anxious. But I also hope that you are excited for this new journey in your life. Here is My advice to new college students.

Try something new:

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone in college. I know it may seem overwhelming, but trust me when I say this: THIS is the time to try something new. It could lead to the best decision of your life. But you won’t know how great something could be until you try.

Join a club or extracurricular activities:

As I mentioned in my sorority blog post, I learned so many things in sorority life than I ever did inside of a classroom. I learned how to communicate better, and how to be a leader. I learned a lot more about responsibility by being in a sorority than I ever did in any of my OT courses. Extracurricular activities can give you way more life skills than you may initially imagine.

Grades aren’t the end of the world:

Yes, grades are important if you are in a specific academic program. Yes they are important because you do need passing grades to graduate. HOWEVER, trust me when I say that if you get a bad grade, it will not be the end of your college career. You will have plenty of tests with failing outcomes, and that’s okay. Dont let it ruin your college career.

Take responsibility for your actions:

You will probably make some bad decisions in your college career. But these will not make you a bad person. Now that you aren’t living with your parents, it is important to learn to take responsibility for yourself. Your personal responsibilities should not disappear. You may still have your parents in the background encouraging you, but you no longer have them breathing down the back of your neck. It is up to you if you want to be successful. 

It’s okay to cry:

You will definitely shed a few tears along the way. You may cry when your parents drop you off at college for the first time. You may cry at your first failing grade. There will be plenty of tears because of late nights of frustrations. It is okay to cry. College is hard, and it’s okay to have a long cry session.

Learn to do the hard work:

You may have a pretty chill professor now and then, but the majority of them probably won’t cut you as much slack as you would like. As mentioned before, it is your responsibility to do the hard work. College is hard, and it’s definitely not as easy as high school. Learn that sooner than later. 

Be safe and smart:

If you are going to college in a new town, make sure you are prioritizing your safety. This world can be scary, and not everyone can be trusted. Tell your roommates/friends where you intend to be when you go out. Making smart and safe choices will make your college experience much more enjoyable.

Don’t wish it away:

Sure, the late night studying and never-ending essays will be something that you wish would be over.  But don’t wish away your college years. I would relive my college years all over again in a heartbeat if I was given the chance. It can be the best time of your life if you choose to allow it. Enjoy every moment because it will be over in the blink of an eye.