Motherhood is hard. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.
I used to pride myself on being someone who didn’t get frustrated easily. Before, I thought it took a lot to get me upset or angry. But once I became a mother, I realized that I was completely wrong, lol.
Motherhood Is heart-wrenching fear. You’re terrified to fail at raising your child.
Motherhood Is filled with guilt, constantly thinking that you’re not doing enough.
Motherhood Is you being tearful more than you ever thought possible.
Motherhood Is watching a little human that is half you, run around the house and cause chaos at every moment.
Motherhood Is having control of everything and nothing all at once.
Motherhood Is stressful, beautiful and hard.
It Is not easy and it’s not always glamorous. You see so many “perfect” moms on Instagram and wonder why you’re failing at being a mom. You wonder why you aren’t “like them”. They make it look so easy.
You see them get up every day. They get dressed and put on a full face of makeup. You see them talk about how easily their child goes down to sleep. You see them put home cooked meals on the table every night. You see them have so much more quality time with their husbands than what you have.
Motherhood is changing dirty diapers around the clock and crying when they cry because you don’t know what they are trying to communicate to you.
Motherhood is locking yourself in the bathroom for 5 minutes because you just need to have a breakdown by yourself.
Motherhood means you will never ever follow a schedule again, because your day revolves around them.
Motherhood means you will embrace every single mess and let go of ‘perfection’ because perfection will no longer exist.
Motherhood is never ending cleaning and laundry. Tt never seems to go away (how many people live in your house? Because the amount of laundry will say differently).
Motherhood is hard.
It is sacrificing so many things but knowing that you are getting so much more in return.
Motherhood is beautiful and it’s the best job on the planet.
Motherhood is humbling.
You are raising a miniature you. Raising them to be the best person they can be. While raising them to be strong, courageous and kind.
Motherhood is perfect and imperfect all at once. And when you are a mother you learn that these CAN and WILL co-exist and you will be okay with it.
Motherhood is insanity. It is calm. And it’s messy. It will always be chaotic and difficult. While also being pure bliss.
When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t know what to expect. It turned out to be nothing that I imagined it would be, but everything I want it to be.
I wouldn’t change anything about being a mother, and I hope that every mom embraces the chaos and crazy days, because these are the days that matter the most.
I will take all the sleepless nights, dirty diapers and days filled with frustration over and over again, because being a Mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Check out some of my other motherhood-related blog posts here