Ways To Prevent The Post-College Slump

Post-college depression is REAL. And boy, did I have it hard. I never anticipated loving my college experience as much as I did. I joined a sorority, graduated with my dream job, and met my future bridesmaids. After attending college for 2, 3, 4 or even 5 years (depending on your circumstance), it can be easy to fall into the post-college depression. Your days were filled with schedule and routine, and weekends spent making unforgettable memories with your friends. Now, you aren’t sure what to do next. Here are ways to prevent the post-college slump.

Stick To A Routine For A Sense of Normalcy

You just graduated college and are ready to begin your career. Maybe you haven’t lined up a job yet and are taking some time to relax. Relaxing after college is extremely important, because you have most definitely earned that time off. Even with taking time off, try sticking to a schedule for a sense of normalcy. You don’t want your days to be filled with sleeping on the couch, so create a schedule for yourself, similar to the one you had in school. Set an alarm to prevent sleeping all day, and create time blocks through your day. Block out time for job hunting, going to the gym, or hanging out with friends. Having a schedule will benefit your physical and mental health.

Prioritize Socializing

Socializing can help improve your mood and prevent any immediate loneliness you may be experiencing after the highs of graduating college. You probably met some incredible friends during college, so be sure to keep in touch with them. If you still live in the same city, try making plans during the week to go out to eat, spend time outdoors, or help each other with job hunting.

Find things that are meaningful to you

Your days are probably filled with extra time that you didn’t have before. Now is the perfect time to find a hobby or spend time doing things you didn’t quite have time for in college. Maybe you were an avid hiker, or you enjoyed traveling. Maybe you want to join an adult sports league in your town. Whatever your passions are, take the time to prioritize them now that you calendar is a little less full. This is also a great way to build more connections. Take the time to explore and open yourself up to new opportunities and interests.

Make Connections & Start Networking

If you have a firm idea of what you want to do with your degree, consider applying for an internship or start networking online. Making connections early is always the best way to help you in the future with your job search. Connections and having a sense of belonging is extremely important to help prevent that post-college slump.

No matter what you decide to do after college, it’s important to know that post-college depression is a real thing. But it’s also easily preventable when you keep yourself busy. You have probably spent the best time of your life for the last fear years filling up your social calendar while working towards the degree you’ve always wanted. Whether you choose to take time off, travel the world, or jump into the corporate world right away, understand that these emotions you may be experiencing are normal. Having a support system and keeping yourself busy will be a huge help in preventing the post-college slump.

Did you experience post-college depression?

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