New Habits to implement this summer for your best season yet

The weather is finally getting warmer and the longer days are officially here. It’s time to make a few simple shifts to your routine while still prioritizing those healthy habits. Here are 8 new habits to implement this summer for your best season yet.

Prioritize SPF 

Even if you don’t initially plan on being out in the sun for very long, it’s important to start adding SPF into your skincare routine. During the summer it’s more important than ever to take care of your skin. There are so many great SPF’s that are lightweight, affordable while still looking great under your makeup.  UV rays are starting off strong this year, so it’s important to take care of your skin during these long summer days.

Get outdoor movement

With the weather getting warmer, it’s time to ditch your indoor gym routine and swap out a few days for some fun in the sun. Spending time outdoors with natural light can improve your mood and decrease your overall stress. Not only could we all benefit from extra Vitamin D, but engaging in more outdoor activities helps stimulate all five senses that indoor activities cannot. 

Wake up earlier

It’s officially the time of year when the sun starts rising earlier and stays out late. If you aren’t naturally a morning person, try setting your alarm for 10 minutes earlier each day. Eventually you will find yourself eager to wake up early and start your morning routine.

Tweak Your Skincare Routine

Your skincare routine won’t need a huge overhaul, but it’s the perfect opportunity for you to try some new products to help keep your skin looking and feeling healthy for the next few months. As mentioned before, start implementing an SPF before you start in the sun. Try a new light weight moisturizer that is oil free and use a Vitamin C serum. These serve as an antioxidant to reduce the damage resulting from long-term sun exposure. Here’s exactly how I’m tweaking my skincare routine for the summer.

Drink More Water

It’s patio season, which means summer cocktails, backyard barbecues and plenty of alcoholic drinks. Although it’s great to have fun, it’s really easy to find yourself feeling tired and sluggish as you spend more time in the outside heat and staying out late with friends. No matter the season, it is extremely important to drink half of your body weight in water each day. Drinking water will boost your energy and will help replenish your losses with increased sweating that’s bound to happen in the summer. 

Incorporate more fruits and vegetables

This is the best time of year to find the sweetest fruits and ripest vegetables.  Try going to your local farmers market to pick strawberries, or maybe take a chance at making your own vegetable garden. Who knows, you may find a new hobby! Fruits and vegetables also add healthy fiber, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and inflammation-fighting choices to your diet. Watermelon, cherries, blackberries and strawberries are great options to add in your diet during the summer.

Limit your screen time 

There’s no reason you need to be glued to your television or computer screen when the weather outside is this beautiful. Instead of scrolling on your phone, try picking up a new book that’s been on your reading list and sit outside for 30 minutes (these books are currently on mine). Limit your screen time during this season and prioritize more of your energy on getting time outdoors away from technology.

Live in the moment

It’s important to stay present and enjoy all the benefits that summer has to offer. Your physical health and mental health is a journey that’s all about finding balance routine. But it is important to find something that works for you. This season is short, so treat yourself to some fresh fruit, soak up all the sunshine and enjoy the moment.

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