Realistic Fitness Goals & How To Achieve Them

At the beginning of every year we all set out to make new goals for ourselves. Research shows that 95% of New Years resolutions are fitness related. It’s no secret that the new year brings a sense of a new beginning and a fresh start. Although it’s almost 6 months into 2023 (crazy, right?), there’s still plenty of time to reach your fitness goals. Here are some realistic fitness goals to make for yourself and how to achieve them before the end of 2023.

What has previously been successful?

Before you set any sort of fitness goal, you need to figure out what has, and has not worked for you in the past. Are you someone who sets a goal weight and always fails to reach it? Or are you someone who sets a goal to stop drinking soda cold turkey? Or maybe you try to be an over-achiever and force yourself to workout 6 days a week when you are just getting started. The most important thing is to try to identify what has worked for you in the past, in order for you to set yourself up for success. Of course that doesn’t mean you can’t work towards your goals, but maybe it needs to be restructured in your mind.

Realistic Fitness Goals

Try a new workout once a month for the rest of the year

This is an easily accomplishable goal, even if you are someone who works out from home. Nowadays, the fitness space is filled with a ton of variety when it comes to fitness apps. These apps are perfect for anyone who may still be intimidated by going to a gym. While a lot of these apps may not be exactly what you think you’re looking for, it’s always a good option to try if you are looking for something new.

The great thing about these fitness apps are the free-trial period. You can try the app for 7 days (sometimes longer than that), without any charge. Who knows, you may find a new workout you never thought you would like. If you are someone who is feeling really brave, maybe try a new workout class in your city. You can try Orange Theory, Pilates, or even a Boot-camp style workout. My personal goal for the rest of the year is to try at least one workout at a Burn Boot Camp. Remember, make your goals achievable!

Prioritize Consistency

You will never be consistent if you don’t have a plan. Try scheduling your workout for the day in your phone or in your calendar. You are more likely to be successful with your fitness journey when you are going in with a plan. For example, schedule your cardio day on Wednesday, and plan to complete the 30-10-10 treadmill workout. Then schedule a full body workout for Friday. You can always switch up your workouts each week, but going in with a plan will help you with consistency and success.

Find a workout buddy to hold you accountable

It’s definitely much more fun to workout with a buddy. If you have a friend or a neighbor who is interested in trying something new, go schedule a new class together. This is a great option if you are wanting to try something new but want some support from a familiar fave. Your workout buddy can be a co-worker, a family member, or even your partner.

Incorporate More Walking 

With the weather getting warmer its going to be much easier to get outside throughout your day. A 20-minute walk can really change your perspective if you are someone who spends a lot of time inside. Try a morning or sunset walk to clear your mind or put on a new podcast you’ve been wanting to hear. Never underestimate the value of a walk, because reaching your 10,000 step goal has so many benefits to your mind and body that you may never have realized.

Make It Measurable By More Than Just The Scale

Sometimes the scale can really hinder our motivation with our fitness. It’s more common than not to see the number going up on the scale, even though we are losing weight in other ways. Instead of having a “goal weight” that you want to reach, try tracking your progress through inches lost or how many more servings of vegetables you are eating. Fitness isn’t just about the scale!

It’s never too late to start your fitness journey and it’s never too late to set goals for yourself. With almost 6 months left in 2023, there’s still plenty of time to reach your fitness related New Years resolutions.

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