This is How You Know You Are Ready To Get Married

Marriage is never something that should be taken lightly. Whether you’ve been with your partner a few months, or a few years, you’ve probably found yourself asking this question. Am I ready to get married? There are plenty of signs that you are more than ready. This is how you know you are ready to get married.

You have no problem with commitment 

You’ve never been someone to jump from person to person. You take your relationship very seriously and have never been unfaithful. Commitment isn’t scary to you and you feel like this person would be a great fit for life. Marriage is a life long commitment, and if you are someone who doesn’t struggle with commitment, then marriage is definitely for you.

You know what you want for your future

If you have ever thought about your future and have some pretty bog dreams for yourself, you are probably ready for marriage. When your dream is to get married and have children, I assume that you’ve given this a good amount of thought and consideration. If your partner feels the same way when it comes to future goals and plans, this is a good sign that you are on the same page and marriage is a common dream that you both have.

You trust your partner

I think this is pretty self explanatory. There’s no point in even considering a marriage if you don’t trust the person you are dating. Having complete trust in your partner is a great sign that you are ready for marriage.

Through Good Times and Bad

Another sign you are ready for marriage is if you have already experienced some bad times in your relationship. Of course there will always be more ‘bad times’ (that’s just life). But if you have had some struggles in your relationship but you’ve still come out on top, that’s a good sign that you’re ready for marriage.

You feel safe

Feeling safe with your partner is extremely important. If your partner doesnt make you feel safe, it’s time to walk away. You should never feel scared or alone in your relationship. If you’re relationship makes you feel safe, loved and wanted, these are great reasons to keep that person around.

Other reasons you might be ready for marriage

Your family likes them/their family likes you
You can afford it
It’s easy to talk about future goals and plans
You like yourself in this relationship
No problem discussing the hard topics
You know how to be independent when you need to be.

Marriage can be such a life changing decision. But I hope this helps you determine if you are ready to get married.

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