Relationship Advice I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

We’ve all been there. We’ve been in relationships that we all thought were “THE ONE”. I had a high school ‘love’, and my first college relationship – both of which ended in different types of heartbreak. When I was younger, I never receive any sort of relationship advice, because all of my friends were pretty much going through the same thing. So This is the Relationship Advice I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger .

If they decide to leave, know your worth and don’t chase after them

When someone decides to exit your life, it’s important to try to understand that just because they left, it doesn’t make you any less desirable. There is someone out the for you that will never leave. I spent far too much time chasing after relationships that weren’t made for me.

If you don’t trust one another 100%, the relationship needs to be over

Without trust, there is no love. If you don’t trust your partner whole-heartedly, something needs to change. I believe trust is something you can earn, but if you’ve been trying to trust your significant other and there’s been no change, it’s time to end the relationship. There is someone out there for you that you can trust 100%.

You have to love yourself before you can love someone else

You will never be able to give love to your partner if you don’t fully love yourself first. Practicing self-love should be a daily practice – this will make your relationship even more successful.

You shouldn’t ever have to question whether or not someone loves you

If you have doubts, it’s time to leave. You should never have to question your feelings for another person. If you are finding yourself questioning their love or if you should stay, I believe your answer is in your question.

Prioritize yourself first. If they don’t respect that, then leave

Your partner should always encourage you to take care of yourself. Prioritizing the relationship is important, but it should never come before your mental health.

Notice the red flags and act on it wisely

If you notice red flags in your relationship, don’t ignore them. Point blank, period.

Leave the past in the past 

The past is in the past for a reason. If you continue to dwell on what has happened, you will never be able to move forward.

Your happiness is top priority always

It is important to recognize when you aren’t happy in a relationship. Your relationship and self worth will suffer if you continue to mute your unhappiness.

When I was a teenager, even when I was in college, I never had anyone to go to for relationship advice. My friends and I would all seem to be going through the same relationship problems and/or heartbreak at the same time. When I was younger, this is the relationship advice I wish I had.

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