The Best Parenting Advice I would Give To A New Mom

There are so many new things to learn when you become a new mom. Anxiety can easily become overwhelming with all the new things you are trying to perfect. When I was a new mom, I was looking for advice every day. But looking back almost 2 and 1/2 years later, This is the best parenting advice I would give to a new mom.

The best parenting advice I would give to a new mom.

Stop asking for parenting advice
Stop looking and comparing your routine to other moms

Really, that is my best advice. Stop asking other mom’s what their routines are, or what time their child goes to bed. Don’t ask them how many words their toddler is saying. And definitely don’t ask them for specific advice on how to raise your child.

I know it’s easier said than done to “go with the flow”, but after comparing my motherhood journey to so many others, I really wish I would have had someone tell me that I was doing a good job and to stop asking others for advice. You’re a mom. You have the right instincts and you know what you’re doing, even if it feels like you don’t. If there are moments where you’re really struggling, I recommend looking online for professional help or contacting your pediatrician. It really messed me up when I started comparing myself to other moms. So I’m just trying to save you a little more heartbreak.

But if you really are looking for parenting advice, here is what I would say. But I definitely wouldn’t consider this ‘parenting advice’. Maybe more so tips on how to enjoy motherhood a little more.

Enjoy the little moments

Time flies by way too quickly. Enjoy the moments as much as possible. But it is 100% normal to not enjoy every moment of parenting.

Make time for your kids and your family

Always make time for your kids and your family. Family time is the most important thing.

Be a good role model

Start this as soon as possible. Your children will look up to you for everything, and they will notice the little things. Set a good example right away.

Let them know you are always there to support them

No matter how angry or frustrated you might be, make sure your children know that you are always there for them. The support from a parent means more to them than you may think.

Have realistic expectations with room for upsets

You will probably always have a ‘plan’ and have expectations for your children. But life isn’t perfect, so make sure there is room for upsets. Cause it’s definitely going to happen.

Although this may not be the parenting advice you are searching for, I hope this may help take a little pressure off of you. Enjoy your children without the pressure of a perfect routine. Stay away from other parents who seem “perfect” to you. There is no other parent in the world better than you for your children. This is the best parenting advice I would give to a new mom.

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