A Letter To My Postpartum Self

Here is a letter to my postpartum self;

It’s been two years since you first gave birth to that 7lb 12oz baby boy of yours. I know the first year of his life was stressful and filled with so much anxiety, but I am so proud of everything you’ve done, and the person you are growing to be.  You made it through the postpartum stage, despite all the moments where you thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some things I want you to remember:


Lack of sleep is a real thing, and although you may feel like you will never sleep again, I promise, you will. your son is going to struggle with sleep for what seems like forever ,but it does get better, eventually. Just keep reminding yourself of that.

Stop comparing your son’s sleep to anyone else’s. 

Just because it seems like everyone else has a baby that sleeps through the night doesn’t mean they are better than you or your child. Every baby is different. Know that this is only temporary, and as long as your baby is happy and healthy, that is all you will care about. 


Ask for help, but hold your boundaries. If you can, ask for a little more help IF you feel comfortable. If not, that’s okay. But know that your anxiety will be better if you get a little break.

Go see your doctor – it’s not normal to feel like this. Postpartum anxiety is a real thing, and although it may not seem like a big deal at the moment, you will feel 1000x better when you talk about it and get some help.


You will continue to cry more while your emotions and hormones are all over the place. 

You may wonder why you’re still crying a few months after birth, but trust me, it’s okay. This is a brand new life that you are trying to adjust to, and it’s more than okay to continue to shed tears along the way. 


The first 6 weeks are going to be hell. SLEEP when you can, because you are going to be in complete survival mode. I know the dishes need done and you want to clean, but try to sneak in a nap whenever you can. 

Check out my other motherhood/postpartum blog posts below
*To anyone struggling postpartum, please know that you are not alone, and try to find support during this difficult time*

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