Why I started a Blog

A few years ago I came across an old google document I wrote in my early twenties. It was titled “Dear 15-Year Old Me”. After reading it through, I began to remember sitting at my computer writing this document and why it was important to me at that time. This is Why I Started A Blog.

Writing in School

I have always enjoyed writing, and it was always something I wanted to do with my life when I was in High School. Before deciding to go into the healthcare field, I thought having a career in journalism was going to be the road for me. Until I found my love for helping others and learning about Occupational Therapy. The healthcare field quickly took over and I decided that was where I wanted to be. I decided to put writing on the backburner, and didn’t continue to write much more after enrolling in school.

Maternity Leave

Fast Forward many years later when I was on  Maternity leave in 2020. I found myself scrolling the internet and coming across bloggers and different ‘articles’ that were posted on the internet. I found myself searching for lifestyle and “mommy bloggers. Being a mom was something I was really struggling with. It was so refreshing to find women online who were sharing what products worked for them and what they loved once they became a mom. I found so many helpful tips when it came to surviving this new motherhood. I was reading about other women who struggled with such a drastic life. And this was very helpful for me.

A Crazy Idea

One day, I had a crazy idea to start a blog for myself. But of course I knew myself. And I knew I would start making up excuses. I began to convince myself that this was a crazy idea. I didn’t know the first thing about blogging. How would I create a blog from scratch? What would I talk about? But after continuing to read articles about how to start a blog, I decided to take the plunge. I did the research and created my own.

Sharing My Feelings

I started a blog because I truly wanted a place where I could share my feelings. I wanted to write about becoming a new mom, share my struggles and also have an outlet for my creativity. Being able to have a blog that could help startup my love for writing again, I decided to take the plunge.

I am someone who loves to look back and read journal entries and reminisce with old photos. It brings me back to a time in my life where I don’t emember every detail in my head. But the photos and journal entries bring back a feeling of happiness and relief.

I started researching and spending time during my son’s naps teaching myself how to start a blog. Eventually, my little ‘goal’ finally came true. I decided that bringing something back into my life that I loved would be a great idea at this new chapter in my life. I was a new mom navigating through change.

Creativity & Design

I’m also someone who truly THRIVED during Myspace days, LOL. I would come home after school and code everything I possibly could in order to change my Myspace profile. I would have a new layout every single day and I really did enjoy graphic design. Having a blog is literally the best of both worlds. I get to jump back into design/decorating my website how I want it. I can share my thoughts on a platform that was fully created by me. 

Goals For My Blog

My goal for my blog is to keep myself motivated and bring back a hobby in my life. A hobby that I truly enjoyed when I was younger. Writing, documenting and reading.  I want to be able to look back on these times in my life where I share my struggles and changes. I also want to remember the good times and the bad. The goal for me is to be able to maintain this hobby of mine that I really do love so much.

The end goal is to be able to share a lot of my personal struggles that I’ve had within the last few years. However that time is not now. Maybe in the future I will be able to share and go into detail. Bur for now, I really want this blog to be what I’m feeling in the moment.

Life Changes

As my son is continuing to get older, I find myself wanting to try to find time to write. After starting therapy in 2021, I realized that much more about my writing. Writing is not only something I enjoy, but it is also a form of therapy for me. Writing gives me the ability to get all my thoughts out on paper. I can document exactly what I’m feeling at that very moment is very therapeutic for me.

I did fall off the wagon in 2021 with writing blog posts. But I learned a lot of my strengths in therapy. I know that writing is something that truly helps me cope with life changes. This space is such a creative outlet for me. I have found it more therapeutic than I could have ever imagined.

I’m hopeful because since the start of 2022 I’ve really gotten back into blogging and writing. I hope to continue to share whatever sets my soul on fire as the months go on. I appreciate anyone who goes on this journey with me and decides to read anything that I write. Even if no one in the world were to ever see this blog or any of my blog posts. Knowing that this is what brings me happiness in the moment. Knowing that I will have a place to look back on all of my struggles and growth. That’s all I could ever ask for.

(If you’re interested in starting a blog, I recommend searching Pinterest for step-by-step instructions)