2023 Fitness Update

I entered 2023 extremely motivated to get back in shape after experiencing once again the long depressing winter blues. I was about to turn 30, and had a tropical vacation to look forward to, so of course I wanted to really focus on my fitness. I was eagerly anticipating the warmer weather coming in the next few months. I decided to focus on 30 minutes a day of incline walking while also implementing more strength training. Since the beginning of the year I’ve noticed significant changes with my weight, my mental health, and my motivation to stay on track with my fitness goals. Now that I’ve gotten into a consistent routine, my 2023 fitness update is here. 

I remember really struggling with the last few months in 2022. I had little to no motivation to workout, and was overall pretty depressed. After going to see my doctor to get on some medication, I felt the difference almost immediately. Once my energy was up, I was able to focus more on my goals. 

Prepping for Vacation

I spent the first 4 months of 2023 really focusing on getting healthier for our Bahamas Vacation. There really is no better motivation than preparing for a vacation. I fell in love with incline walking and strength training after seeing so much progress with my strength and endurance.

What’s Been Working For Me

The 30-10-10 treadmill workout was one of the best workouts I found on TikTok. Will this incline walk help you lose 30 pounds? Absolutely not. But it has definitely turned into one of my favorite forms of cardio. Always remember – whatever works for you is the best thing to do. Adding incline training to a walking or running workout gives your muscles a huge challenge. It also increases your heart rate, and boosts calorie burning.

Along with incline walking, focusing on strength training and progressive overload has also been a top priority. My favorite body part to train currently is back and biceps, and I have been OBSESSED with  lat pulldowns. I used to obsess over shoulder and leg day. But within the last few months, back day has been my favorite day of the week.

Our New Gym Purchase

We recently added a new piece of equipment to our home gym. After injuring my knee almost 3 years ago, my doctor told me to prioritize bike riding to help strengthen the ligaments around my knee. And although I’ve always had interest in getting an indoor cycling bike, I couldn’t fathom spending $1200 on another piece of workout equipment. I thought our Nordictrack treadmill was good enough. We already had a treadmill, weight rack, adjustable weights, and barbells. However, my husband recently found a ProForm Cycling bike on sale for Memorial Day weekend. My husband purchased it for $650, and it has since become a new favorite of mine.

My First Cycling Workout

Of course I was extremely eager to hop on the bike and see what all the excitement was about. But I won’t lie, I definitely underestimated the difficulty of a workout class on the cycling bike. I remember texting my husband during my first ride “Oh my god I’m dying”. As sweat was dripping down my face.  My legs have always been the strongest part of my body, (thanks to 18+ years of playing soccer). But my legs definitely couldn’t keep up during that first workout. Initially it was frustrating that I couldn’t keep up with the trainer and had to decrease the resistance. But 2 weeks later, I’m already so much stronger and able to keep up with the workouts I wouldn’t have been able to before.


With the purchase of the Proform bike, you get a 30-day free iFit trial. We previously used iFit when we purchased our Nordictrack treadmill. However I didn’t personally use the programs as much as my husband did. I do really enjoy the IFit programs with the ProForm Bike. IFit is great if you don’t know where to start on your fitness journey. Its considered “interactive personal training”. You get access to destination and studio workouts, along with trainers that automatically adjust your speed and incline.

Destination Vs. Studio Classes

My husband and I are very different when it comes to cardio workouts we enjoy. Just like our treadmill, my husband uses the iFit Destination workouts, whereas I enjoy the studio classes. My husband would choose to bike through Italy with a trainer while I would prefer to get my ass kicked in a HIIT workout class. No matter what workout I choose to do, my fitness has definitely progressed with both incline walking and use of the indoor bike. 

Progress pictures

If I never had to get my weight checked at doctor appointments, I don’t think I would ever step onto a scale again. After doing Beachbody for 3 years (although toxic), I learned that progress pictures and measurements matter more than the scale. If I’m really wanting to tone up and lose weight, I will take measurements of my body vs. stepping onto a scale. But overall, visually seeing my progress in photos is how I choose to measure my progress. As well as increasing my weight/mileage during strength and cardio workouts.

Overall, I’m enjoying more incline walking as well as prioritizing indoor bike riding to help continue to heal my previous knee injury. My strength training has increased, and my focus has been more on progressive overload training and doing the workouts I enjoy doing… not what social media tells me to do. 

Every body is different. Our bodies respond to workouts differently. No matter what our favorite fitness influencer is doing online, it is important to remember that you will only find enjoyment and see progress with your health when you do what feels right to you.

What is your favorite type of workout that you enjoy to help reach your fitness goals? 

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